Annual Financial Reports
Call Before You Dig – It’s Now The Law
When planning to dig gardens, build fences, plant trees or undertake major construction projects involving excavation or digging, first call the water district office to learn where water and sewer lines are located. Also, new legislation in Texas now requires that homeowners and contractors provide two (2) working days notice to centralized notification center. The notification center will alert participating utility companies – such as electric, gas, cable and phone companies – about the planned digging so they can mark the approximate location of their underground lines if necessary.
Safe digging practices reduce the interruption of vital services, protect property and save lives, so before digging contact either:
- Centralized Notification Center at (713) 223-4567 or (800) 669-8344; or
- Harris County WCID No. 50 at (281) 326-5573
- Drought Contingency Plan
- Energy Consumption Reports
- FEMA 4332–DR–TX
- Public Notice of intent to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible costs to repair and/or replace facilities damaged by Hurricane Harvey.
- Hurricane Harvey Data
- Notice to Purchaser of Real Estate
- Notices of Public Hearing on Tax Rate
- Rate Order
- Schedule of Water and Sewer Service Fees and Rates
- TCEQ Life Cycle Assessment Report
Stormwater Quality
- Fact Sheet and Executive Director’s Preliminary Decision
- General Permit to Discharge Under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Notice of Intent for General Permit
- Storm Sewer Modeling Reports
- WCID 50/A&S/HT&J Corrections to the El Lago Floodplain Administrator’s Report to Council of December 4, 2019 – 2020-01-08
- WCID 50/HT&J Districtwide Storm Sewer Modeling Report – 2019-09-18.
- WCID 50/HT&J Drainage Model Evaluations of the El Lago Floodplain Administrator’s Drainage Improvement Suggestions – 2019-09-05
- Stormwater Management Program
Water Quality Reports
Below are water quality report(s) for drinking water which meets the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirements for “Consumer Confidence Reports” and contains information on the source of your water, its constituents and the health risks associated with any contaminants. The current year’s report is typically published June of the following year in which it was conducted. Part of this information is being provided to you from Harris County WCID No. 50 laboratory results, which we routinely take to ensure your drinking water is safe and will always be of the highest standards possible. Please take a moment to read this report carefully or print it for later review. If you have any questions, difficulty understanding the report or would like assistance to translate it into Spanish, please call the District office at (281) 326-5573.
South Taylor Lake Village Water Supply Corporation